Enrolment process

Visit the school enrolment section on the department’s website for more information.

Enrolment and Transition Process

General information

Enrolment at Salisbury East High School is governed by Department for Education policy, which applies to zoned state schools.

All government high schools in metropolitan Adelaide are zoned. A student’s zoned school is determined according to their permanent and primary place of residence. A place is reserved for each child at their zoned high school. While students are zoned to a particular high school, they are still free to apply for enrolment at any other out of zone high school in the state.

Acceptance of an enrolment in an out of zone high school, however, depends on whether the number of enrolments at that school exceeds the number of places available.

To make an enrolment enquiry please complete the online enrolment enquiry form or contact us.

Year 7 entry

Enrolment processes begin the first week of term 2 for year 7 students beginning the following year.

Parents will receive an email to enter preferences for high school in the first weeks of term 2. This can include any high school in the state, and is not an enrolment but an indication of preference of schools. The Department for Education analyses this data and allocates students to a high school. These allocations are sent to high schools and enrolment offers are sent at the start of term 3 via email.

Enrolment offers are accepted once all paperwork is completed and returned to the high school.

Parents and students will receive multiple opportunities to transition to high school through open nights, transition days and extra transition visits for specific groups of students.

Year 8-12 entry

School tours are conducted on an ad-hoc basis. Please contact the school to organise a time.