The South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) is an internationally recognised qualification that prepares students for further study, employment, and life beyond school.
It provides flexibility, allowing students to complete subjects through school-based learning, vocational education training (VET), or community programs.
The SACE is completed over two stages with Stage 1 beginning in Year 10 with Exploring Identities and Futures (EIF) and continuing throughout Year 11. Stage 2 is typically completed in Year 12.
Each successfully completed subject earns credits towards the SACE and a minimum of 200 credits is required to complete the certificate.
The compulsory requirements equate to 110 credits: EIF (10 credits, Stage 1); Literacy (20 credits, Stage 1 or 2); Numeracy (10 credits, Stage 1 or 2); Activating Identities and Futures (AIF) (10 credits, Stage 2); and additional Stage 2 subjects (60 credits).
The remaining 90 credits can then be earned through extra Stage 1 or 2 subjects, VET, or recognised learning programs.
The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) is used for university entry. To be eligible, students must complete 90 Stage 2 credits – usually four Year 12 subjects and AIF. The ATAR is a percentile ranking that compares students’ results across South Australia e.g. an ATAR of 75 means the student performed in the top 25% of all students.
For further details, visit:
- VET:
Alternatively, you can contact our SACE & Year 12 Coordinator or VET & Pathways Leader on 8258 2070.